The HOME Core Outcome Set is now complete, and so our focus moving forward is to ensure that the core set is widely used, so that the benefits can be realised.
Our goal is to ensure that all key stakeholders are aware of the HOME core set for trials and know how to use it.
At the HOME IX meeting in November 2021, it was decided that the HOME initiative should focus on three key areas:
- Stakeholder engagement
- Universal Applicability
- Reducing the administrative and study burden
If you would like to support the activities of these three working groups, then please do contact
Implementation Working Group - Stakeholder engagement
Aim: To promote uptake and advocacy of the HOME Core Outcome Set by relevant stakeholders.
The purpose of this working group is to engage with key stakeholders to increase awareness and adoption of the HOME Core Outcome Set, and to create partnerships to promote uptake of the core set.
Leads: Yael Leshem and Hywel Williams
Implementation Working Group - Universal Applicability
Aim: To promote and support implementation of the COS in different languages, cultures and groups.
The purpose of this working group is to share information that helps core outcome set users to understand how to use the HOME Core Outcome Set in different settings and participant groups.
Leads: Laura Howells and Kim Thomas
Implementation Working Group - Ease of use
Aim: To minimise and optimise the burden of the use of the Core Outcome Set.
The purpose of this working group is to provide guidance how to best access, collect, interpret and analyse the Core Outcome Set, and to reduce overlap between core instruments.
Leads: Louise Gerbens and Phyllis Spuls