University of Nottingham

HOME Publications

HOME implementation papers

Key papers

The HOME Core outcome set for clinical trials of atopic dermatitis
Hywel C Williams, Jochen Schmitt, Kim S Thomas, Phyllis Spuls, Eric L Simpson, Christian J Apfelbacher, Joanne R Chalmers, Masutaka Furue, Norito Katoh, Louise A Gerbens, Yael A Leshem, Laura Howells, Jasvinder A Singh, Maarten Boers, HOME initiative
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Jun;149(6):1899-1911. doi. doi:10.1016\j.jaci.2022.03.017 EPub 2022 Mar 26 (Abstract link)
**When referencing the HOME Core Outcome Set, please cite this paper**

The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) implementation roadmap
Yael A Leshem, Eric L Simpson, Christian Apfelbacher, Phyllis I Spuls, Kim S Thomas, Jochen Schmitt, Laura Howells, Louise A A Gerbens, Michael E Jacobson, Norito Katoh, Hywel C Williams
Br J Dermatol. 2023 Aug 7;ljad278. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljad278. Online ahead of print (Abstract link)

How to use the HOME Core Outcome Set for atopic dermatitis trials – a users’ guide
Kim S Thomas, Laura Howells, Yael A Leshem, Eric L Simpson, Christian Apfelbacher, Phyllis I Spuls, Louise A A Gerbens, Michael E Jacobson, Norito Katoh, Hywel C Williams, Beth L Stuart, on behalf of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative.  
British Journal of Dermatology, 2023;,ljad497, (Abstract Link)

Standardized reporting of the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) and the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM): a recommendation by the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative
Grinich EE, Schmitt J, Kuster D, Spuls PI, Williams HC, Chalmers JR, Thomas KS, Apfelbacher C, Prinsen CAC, Furue M, Stuart B, Carter B, Simpson EL
Br J Dermatol 2018 Aug; 179(2):540-541. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16732 (Abstract Link)

Uptake of the HOME Core Outcome set papers

Implementation of the HOME core outcome set for clinical trials of atopic eczema - barriers and opportunities: the HOME IX meeting report
ME Jacobson, KS Thomas, CJ Apfelbacher, YA Leshem, HC Williams, LAA Gerbens, PI Spuls, J Schmitt, L Howells, N Katoh, EL Simpson, Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative
Arch Dermatol Res. 2023 Nov;315(9):2617-2622. doi: 10.1007/s00403-023-02647-w. Epub 2023 Jul 11. (Abstract Link)

Reporting of Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Core Outcome Set Instruments in randomized clinical trials for systemic treatments in Atopic Dermatitis
Lam M, Spuls PI, Leshem YA, Gerbens LAA, Thomas KS, Arents B, Burton T, Flohr C, Drucker AM.
Br J Dermatol. 2023 Sep 15;189(4):494-496. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljad237. Online ahead of print. (Abstract link)

Assessing Uptake of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Core Outcome Set and Recommended Instruments
Vincent R, Chalmers JR, McWilliams C, Thomas KS, Dodd S, Rogers N, Ridd MJ, Schmitt J, Kirkham JJ
Br J Dermatol. 2020 Mar 13. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19030 (Abstract Link)

Other HOME implementation papers

Evaluating the effect of weekly patient-reported symptom monitoring on trial outcomes: results of the Eczema Monitoring Online randomised controlled trial 
Baker A, Mitchell EJ, Partlett C, Thomas KS.
Br J Dermatol. 2023 May 17:ljad163. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljad163 (Abstract Link)

Do patient characteristics matter when calculating sample size for eczema trials?
Howells L, Gran S, Chalmers JR, Stuart B, Santer M, Bradshaw L, Gaunt DM, Ridd MJ, Gerbens LAA, Spuls PI, Huang C, Francis NA, Thomas KS.  
First published: 19 May 2021. (Abstract Link)

The German RECAP questionnaire: linguistic validation and cognitive debriefing in German adults with self-reported atopic eczema and parents of affected children. 
Gabes M, Tischer C, Herrmann A, Howells L, Apfelbacher C.
J Patient Rep Outcomes.  2021 Jan 21;5(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s41687-021-00285-2 (Abstract Link)

A comparison study of clinician-rated atopic dermatitis outcome measures for intermediate to dark-skinned patients
Zhao CY, Hao EY, Oh DD, Daniel BS, Martin LK, Su JC, Rodrigues M, Murrell DF.
Br J Dermatol 2017 Apr;176(4):985-992. doi: 10.1111\bjd.15271 (Abstract Link)

Other Core Outcome Set implementation papers

In-depth qualitative interviews identified barriers and facilitators that influenced chief investigators' use of core outcome sets in randomised controlled trials.
Hughes KL, Williamson PR, Young B
J Clin Epidemiol. 2022 Apr;144:111-120. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2021.12.004. Epub 2021 Dec 8. (Abstract Link

Matvienko-Sikar K, Byrne M, Clarke M et al. Using behavioural science to enhance use of core outcome sets in trials: protocol [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]. 
Matvienko-Sikar K, Byrne M, Clarke M et al.
HRB Open Res 2022, 5:23. (paper link)

TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: an international Delphi exercise to identify a core set of domains and domain items for national atopic eczema photo- and systemic therapy registries
Gerbens LAA, Apfelbacher CJ, Irvine AD, Barbarot S, de Booij RJ, Boyce AE, Deleuran M, Eichenfield LF,
Hof MH, Middelkamp-Hup MA, Roberts A, Schmitt J, Vestergaard C, Wall D, Weidinger S, Williamson PR, Flohr C, Spuls PI, international TREAT Registry Taskforce
Br J Dermatol 2018 May 15. doi: 10.1111/bjd.167414 (Abstract Link)

HOME core outcome set (domains) for clinical trials

Towards global consensus on outcome measures for atopic eczema research: results of the HOME II meeting

Schmitt J, Spuls P, Boers M, Thomas K, Chalmers J, Roekevisch E, Schram M, Allsopp R, Aoki V, Apfelbacher C, Bruijnzeel-Koomen C, Bruin-Weller M, Charman C, Cohen A, Dohil M, Flohr C, Furue M, Gieler U, Hooft L, Humphreys R, Ishii HA, Katayama I, Kouwenhoven W, Langan S, Lewis-Jones S, Merhand S, Murota H, Murrell DF, Nankervis H, Ohya Y, Oranje A, Otsuka H, Paul C, Rosenbluth Y, Saeki H, Schuttelaar ML, Stalder JF, Svensson A, Takaoka R, Wahlgren CF, Weidinger S, Wollenberg A, Williams H.

Allergy 2012: Sep;67(9):1111-1117; doi 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2012.02874.x (Abstract Link)

Core outcome domains for controlled trials and clinical recordkeeping in eczema: International multiperspective Delphi consensus process
Schmitt J, Langan S, Stamm T and Williams HC, on behalf of the Harmonizing Outcome Measurements in Eczema (HOME) Delphi panel.
J Invest Dermatol. 2011 Mar;131(3):623-30. doi: 10.1038/jid.2010.303 (Abstract Link)

HOME core outcome instrument consensus statements for clinical trials

Recommended core outcome instruments for health-related quality of life, long-term control and itch intensity in atopic eczema trials: results of the HOME VII consensus meeting
K S Thomas, C A Apfelbacher, J R Chalmers, E Simpson, P I Spuls, L A A Gerbens, H C Williams, J Schmitt, M Gabes, L Howells, B L Stuart, E Grinich, T Pawlitschek, T Burton, L Howie, A Gadkari, L Eckert, T Ebata, M Boers, H Saeki, T Nakahara, N Katoh
Br J Dermatol. 2021 Jan 4. doi: 10.1111\bjd.19751 (Abstract Link)

POEM a core instrument to measure symptoms in clinical trials: a HOME statement
Spuls PI, Gerbens LA, Simpson E, Apfelbacher CJ, Chalmers JR, Thomas KS, Prinsen CA, von Kobyletzki LB, Singh JA, Williams HC, Schmitt J; HOME initiative collaborators.
Br J Dermatol. 2017 Apr;176(4):979-984. doi:10.1111\bjd.15179 (Abstract Link)

The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) statement to assess clinical signs of atopic eczema in trials
Schmitt J, Spuls PI, thomas KS, Simpson E, Furue M, Deckert S, Dohil M, Apfelbacher C, Singh JA, Chalmers J, Williams HC; HOME initiative collaborators.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014 Oct;134(4):800-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.07.043 (Abstract Link)
HOME clinical practice set

Measuring Atopic Eczema Control and Itch Intensity in Clinical Practice: A Consensus Statement From the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema in Clinical Practice (HOME-CP) Initiative
Leshem YA, Chalmers JR, Apfelbacher C, Katoh N, Gerbens LAA, Schmitt J, Spuls P, Thomas KS, Howells L, Williams HC, Simpson EL, Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative
JAMA Dermatol 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2022.4211 (Abstract Link)

Measuring Atopic Eczema Symptoms in Clinical Practice: The First Consensus Statement from the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema in Clinical Practice Initiative
Leshem YA, Chalmers JR, Apfelbacher C, Furue M, Gerbens LAA, Prinsen CAC, Schmitt J, Spuls PI, Thomas KS, Williams HC, Simpson EL, Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative
J Am Acad Dermatol 2020 May;82(5):1181-1186. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.12.055 (Abstract Link)

HOME Roadmap

The Harmonising Outcomes for Eczema (HOME) roadmap: A methodological framework to develop core sets of outcome measurements in dermatology
Schmitt J, Apfelbacher C, Spuls PI, Thomas KS, Simpson EL, Furue M, Chalmers J, Williams HC.
J Invest Dermatol 2015 Jan;135(1):24-30. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.320 (Abstract Link)

HOME Meeting reports

Report from the fifth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative)
Chalmers JR, Thomas KS, Apfelbacher C, Williams HC, Prinsen CA, Spuls PI, Simpson E, Gerbens LAA, Boers M, Barbarot S, Stalder JF, Abuabara K, Aoki V, Ardeleanu M, Armstrong J, Bang B, Berents TL, Burton T, Butler L, Chubachi T, Cresswell-Melville A, DeLozier A, Eckert L, Eichenfield L, Flohr C, Futamura M, Gadkari A, Gjerde ES, van Halewijn KF, Hawkes C, Howells L, Howie L, Humphreys R, Ishii HA, Kataoka Y, Katayama I, Kouwenhoven W, Langan SM, Leshem YA, Merhand S, Mina-Osorio P, Murota H, Nakahara T, Nunes FP, Nygaard U, Nygardas M, Ohya Y, Ono E, Rehbinder E, Rogers NK, Romeijn GLE, Schuttelaar MLA, Sears AV, Simpson, MA, Singh JA, Srour J, Stuart B, Svensson A, Talmo G, Talmo H, Teixeira HD, Thyssen JP, Todd G, Torchet F, Volke A, von Kobyletzki L, Weisshaar E, Wollenberg A, Zaniboni M
Br J Dermatol 2018 Apr 19. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16543 [Epub ahead of print] (Abstract link)

Report from the fourth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative)
Chalmers JR, Simpson E, Apfelbacher CJ, Thomas KS, von Kobyletzki L, Schmitt J, Singh JA, Svensson Å, Williams H, Abuabara K, Aoki V, Ardeleanu M, Awici-Rasmussen M, Barbarot S, Berents TL, Block J, Bragg A, Burton T, Bjerring Clemmensen KK, Creswell-Melville A, Dinesen M, Drucker A, Eckert L, Flohr C, Garg M, Gerbens LA, Graff AL, Hanifin, Heinl, Humphreys R, Ishii HA, Kataoka Y, Leshem Y, Marquort B, Massuel MA, Merhand S, Mizutani H, Murota H, Murrell DF, Nakahara T, Nasr I, Nograles K, Ohya Y, Osterloh I, Pander J, Prinsen C, Purkins L, Ridd M, Sach T, Schuttelaar ML, Shindo S, Smirnova, Sulzer A, Synnøve Gjerde E, Takaoka R, Vestby Talmo H, Tauber M, Torchet F, Volke A, Wahlgren CF, Weidinger S, Weisshaar E, Wollenberg A, Yamaga K, Zhao CY, Spuls PI.
Br J Dermatol 2016 Jul 19. doi: 10.1111/bjd. 14773 (Abstract Link)

Report from the third international consensus meeting to harmonise core outcome measures for atopic eczema / dermatitis clinical trials (HOME)
Chalmers JR1, Schmitt J, Apfelbacher C, Dohil M, Eichenfield LF, Simpson EL, Singh J, Spuls P, Thomas KS, Admani S, Aoki V, Ardeleanu M, Barbarot S, Berger T, Bergman JN, Block J, Borok N, Burton T, Chamlin SL, Deckert S, DeKlotz CC, Graff LB, Hanifin JM, Hebert AA, Humphreys R, Katoh N, Kisa RM, Margolis DJ, Merhand S, Minnillo R, Mizutani H, Nankervis H, Ohya Y, Rodgers P, Schram ME, Stalder JF, Svensson A, Takaoka R, Teper A, Tom WL, von Kobyletzki L, Weisshaar E, Zelt S, Williams HC.
Br J Dermatol. 2014 Dec;171(6):1318-25. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13237 (Abstract Link)

Towards global consensus on outcome measures for atopic eczema research: results of the HOME II meeting
Schmitt J, Spuls P, Boers M, Thomas K, Chalmers J, Roekevisch E, Schram M, Allsopp R, Aoki V, Apfelbacher C, Bruijnzeel-Koomen C, Bruin-Weller M, Charman C, Cohen A, Dohil M, Flohr C, Furue M, Gieler U, Hooft L, Humphreys R, Ishii HA, Katayama I, Kouwenhoven W, Langan S, Lewis-Jones S, Merhand S, Murota H, Murrell DF, Nankervis H, Ohya Y, Oranje A, Otsuka H, Paul C, Rosenbluth Y, Saeki H, Schuttelaar ML, Stalder JF, Svensson A, Takaoka R, Wahlgren CF, Weidinger S, Wollenberg A, Williams H.
Allergy 2012: Sep;67(9):1111-1117; doi 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2012.02874.x (Abstract Link)

Report from the first international consensus meeting (HOME I) 24 July 2010, Munich
Schmitt J, Williams H; HOME Development Group.
Br J Dermatol 2010: 163; 1166-1168 (Abstract Link)

HOME Systematic Reviews

Clinical Signs

Assessment of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and recommendation
Schmitt J, Langan S, Deckert S, Svensson A, von Kobyletzki L, Thomas K, Spuls P, on behalf of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Atopic Dermatitis (HOME) initiative.
Allergy Clin Immunol 2013 Dec;132(6):1337-47. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.07.008 (Abstract Link)


Evaluation of the measurement properties of symptom measurement instruments for atopic eczema: a systematic review
Gerbens LA, Prinsen CA, Chalmers JR, Drucker AM, von Kobyletzki LB, Limpens J, Nankervis H, Svensson A, Terwee CB, Zhang J, Apfelbacher CJ, Spuls PI, Harmonising Outcomes Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative.
Allergy 2017 Jan;72(1):146-163. doi: 10.1111/all.12959 (Abstract Link)

Reporting of symptoms in randomised controlled trials of atopic eczema treatments: a systematic review
Gerbens LAA, Chalmers JR, Rogers NK, Nankervis H, Spuls PI, on behalf of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative.
Br J Dermatol. 25 Mar 2016 doi: 10.1111/bjd.14588 (Abstract Link)

Quality of Life 

Measurement properties of quality-of-life outcome measures for children and adults with eczema: an updated systematic review
Gabes M, Tischer C, Apfelbacher C; quality of life working group of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2019 Sep 10. doi: 10.1111/pai.13120 (Abstract Link)

Measurement properties of quality-of-life measurement instruments for infants, children and adolescents with eczema: a systematic review
Heinl D, Prinsen CA, Sach T, Drucker AM, Ofenloch R, Flohr C, Apfelbacher C. 
Br J Dermatol. 2016 Aug 20 doi: 10.1111/bjd.14966 (Abstract Link)

Eczema Trials: Quality of Life Instruments Used and Their Relation to Patient-reported Outcomes. A Systematic Review
Heinl D, Chalmers J, Nankervis H, Apfelbacher CJ. 
Acta Derm Venereol. 2016 Jun 15;96(5):596-601. doi: 10.2340/00015555-2322. (Abstract Link)

Measurement properties of adult quality-of-life measurement instruments for eczema: protocol for a systematic review
Apfelbacher CJ, Heinl D, Prinsen CA, Deckert S, Chalmers J, Ofenloch R, Humphreys R, Sach T, Chamlin S, Schmitt J.
Syst Rev. 2015 Apr 16;4(1):48. doi: 10.1186/s13643-015-0041-3. (Abstract Link)

Measurement properties of adult quality-of-life measurement instruments for eczema: a systematic review.
Heinl D, Prinsen CA, Deckert S, Chalmers JR, Drucker AM, Ofenloch R, Humphreys R, Sach T, Chamlin SL, Schmitt J, Apfelbacher C.
Allergy 2016 Mar;71(3):358-70. doi: 10.1111/all.12806 (Abstract Link)

Long-term Control 

Measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures for eczema control: a systematic review
B L Stuart, L Howells, R L Pattinson, J R Chalmers, D Grindlay, N K Rogers, E Grinich, T Pawlitschek,
E L Simpson, K S Thomas
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2021 May 11.doi: 10.1111/jdv.17335 (Abstract Link)

Strategies used for measuring long-term control in atopic dermatitis trials: A systematic review
Barbarot S, Rogers NK, Abuabara K, Aubert H, Chalmers J, Flohr C, Hanifin J, Naldi L, Margolis DJ, Paul C, Ridd MJ, Anna Schuttelaar ML, Simpson E, Tauber M, Volke A, Weidinger S, Wilkes SR, Wollenberg A, Thomas KS.
J Am Acad Dermatol 2016 Nov; 75(5):1038-1044. doi: 10.1016\jaad.2016.05.043 (Abstract Link)

How are eczema "flares" defined? A systematic review and recommendation for future studies
Langan SM, Schmitt J, Williams HC, Smith S, thomas KS.
Br J Dermatol 2014 Mar;170(3):548-56. doi: 10.1111/bjd.12747 (Abstract Link)


A systematic review of Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) in atopic dermatitis (AD) trials: Many options, no standards
Futamura M, Leshem YA, Thomas KS, Nankervis H, Williams HC, Simpson EL.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016 Feb;74(2):288-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2015.09.062. (Abstract Link)


What are the best outcome measurements for atopic eczema? A systematic review
Schmitt J, Langan S, Williams HC and the European Dermato-Epidemiology Network.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007 Dec;120(6):1389-98(Abstract Link)

Measuring atopic dermatitis severity in randomized controlled clinical trials: what exactly are we measuring?
Charman C, Chambers C, Williams H.
J Invest Dermatol 2003 Jun;120(6):932-41 (Abstract Link)

Outcome measures of disease severity in atopic eczema
Charman C and Williams HC.
Arch Dermatol 2000; 136:763-769 (Abstract Link)

Interpretability (MCID, severity bandings)

Validity, reliability, responsiveness and interpretability of the Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP) questionnaire
Junfen Zhang, Aviël Ragamin, Geertruida L E Romeijn, Laura Loman, Jart A F Oosterhaven, Marie L A Schuttelaar
Br J Dermatol. 2023 Jul 18:ljad247. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljad247. Online ahead of print (Abstract Link)

Comparison of patient (POEM), observer (EASI, SASSAD, TIS) and corneometry measures of emollient effectiveness in children with eczema: findings from the COMET feasibility Trial
Ridd MJ, Gaunt DM, Guy RH, Redmond NM, Garfield K, Hollinghurst S, Ball N, Shaw L, Purdy S, Metcalfe C
Br J Dermatol 2018 Feb 24. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16475 [Epub ahead of print] (Abstract link)

How should minimally important change scores for the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure be interpreted? A validation using varied methods
Howells L, Ratib S, Chalmers JR, Bradshaw L, Thomas KS, CLOTHES trial team
Br J Dermatol. 2018 Jan 21. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16367 [Epub ahead of print] (Abstract link)

Severity strata for five patient-reported outcomes in adults with atopic dermatitis
Vakharia PP, Chopra R, Sacotte R, Patel N, Immaneni S, White T, Kantor R, Hsu DY, Simpson EL, Silverberg JI.
Br J Dermatol. 2017 Oct 19. doi: 10.1111\bjd. 16078 (Abstract Link)

The Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure in young children: responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference
Gaunt DM, Metcalfe C, Ridd M.
Allergy. 2016 Nov;71(11):1620-1625. doi: 10.1111/all.12942. (Abstract Link)

Quality of life measurement and the relationship to disease severity in children with atopic dermatitis in general practice
Valburg RW, Williamson MG, Dirven-Meijer PC, Oranje AP, Van der Wouden JC, Moed H.
Acta Derm Venereol 2011 Mar;91(2):147-51. doi: 10.2340/00015555-1026 (Abstract Link)

What the Eczema Area and Severity Index score tells us about the severity of atopic dermatitis - an interpretability study
Leshem YA, Hajar T, Hanifin JM, Simpson EL.
Br J Dermatol. 2015 May;172(5):1353-7. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13662 (Abstract Link)

EASI, (objective) SCORAD and POEM for atopic eczema: responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference
Schram ME, Spuls PI, Leeflang MM, Lindeboom R, Bos JD, Schmitt J.
Allergy 2012 Jan; 67(1):99-106. doi: 10.1111/j1398-9995.2011.02719.x. (Abstract Link)

Other Relevant Publications

The Eczema Area and Severity Index - A Practical Guide
Hanifin JM, Baghoomian W, Grinich E, Leshem YA, Jacobson M, Simpson EL
Dermatitis. 2022 May-Jun;33(3):187-192. doi: 10.1097/DER.0000000000000895 (Abstract link)

Validation of the RECAP measure of eczema control for use in dermatology clinics
Bhanot A, Vincent R, Peters TJ, Ridd MJ
Clin Exp Dermatol. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/ced.14934. Online ahead of print (Abstract Link)

IDQoL, CDLQI and the 45-item CADIS received a sufficient content validity rating during the HOME VII meeting in Japan: a group discussion study
Gabes M, Apfelbacher C
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2021 Feb;35(2):458-463. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16848. Epub 2020 Aug 17 (Abstract Link)

The German RECAP questionnaire: linguistic validation and cognitive debriefing in German adults with self-reported atopic eczema and parents of affected children
Gabes M, Tischer C, Herrmann A, Howels L, Apfelbacher C
J Patient Rep Outcomes. 2021 Jan 21;5(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s41687-021-00285-2. (Abstract Link)

A Survey of Delphi Panelists after Core Outcome Set Development Revealed Positive Feedback and Methods to Facilitate Panel Member Participation
Turnbull AE, Dinglas VD, Friedman LA, Chessare CM, Sepulveda KA, Bingham CO, Needham DM
J Clin Epidemiol 2018 Jun 29. pii S0895-4356(17)31285-4. doi: 10.1016/j.clinepi.2018.06.007 (Abstract Link)

TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: an international Delphi exercise to identify a core set of domains and domain items for national atopic eczema photo- and systemic therapy registries
Gerbens LAA, Apfelbacher CJ, Irvine AD, Barbarot S, de Booij RJ, Boyce AE, Deleuran M, Eichenfield LF,
Hof MH, Middelkamp-Hup MA, Roberts A, Schmitt J, Vestergaard C, Wall D, Weidinger S, Williamson PR, Flohr C, Spuls PI, international TREAT Registry Taskforce
Br J Dermatol 2018 May 15. doi: 10.1111/bjd.167414 (Abstract Link)

Do we need another symptom score for childhood eczema?
Hon KL, Kung JSC, Tsang KY, Yu JW, Wong N, Leung TF.
J Dermatolog Treat. 2017 Aug 29:1-22. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2017.1373734 (Abstract Link)

Patient-reported outcome measures in pruritus: A systematic review of measurement properties
Schoch D, Sommer R, Augustin M, Stander S, Blome C.
J Invest Dermatol 2017 Aug 28. pii: S0022-202X(17)31605-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2017.05.020 (Abstract Link)

What factors are important to patients when  assessing treatment response: An international cross-sectional survey
von Kobyletzki LB, Thomas KS, Schmitt J, Chalmers JR, Deckert S, Aoki V, Weisshaar E, Oja JA, Svensson A
Acta Derm Venereol 2017 Jan 4;97(1):86-90. doi: 10.2340/00015555-2480 (Abstract Link)

Eczema symptoms scores: are we getting closer to HOME?
Fedorowicz Z, van Zuuren EJ.
Br J Dermatol 2016 Oct;175(4):667-8 doi: 10.1111/bjd.14786 (Abstract Link)

A pilot comparison study of four clinician-rated atopic dermatitis severity scales.
Zhao CY, Tran AQT, Lazo-Dizon JP, Kim J, Daniel BS, Venugopal SS, Rhodes LM, Law MG, Murrell DF.
Br J Dermatol 2015 Aug;173(2):488-97. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13846 (Abstract Link)

The reliability and validity of outcome measures for atopic dermatitis in patients with pigmented skin: a grey area.
Zhao CY, Wijayanti A, Doria MC, Harris AG, Jain SV, Legaspi KN, Dlova NC, Law MG, Murrell DF.
Int J of Women's Dermatology 1 (2015) 150-154 (Abstract Link)

Reaching clinically relevant outcome measures for new pharmacotherapy and immunotherapy of atopic eczema.
Chalmers J, Deckert S, Schmitt J: Harmonising Outcome Measures for Atopic Dermatitis (HOME) Initiative Executive Board.
Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Jun;15(3):227-33. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0000000000000158. (Abstract Link)

Trials are meaningful for clinical decision making only when their endpoints are valid and comparable.
Schmitt J.
Br J Dermatol 2015 May;172(5):1175-7. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13806 (Abstract Link)

Validation of treatment escalation as a definition of atopic eczema flares.
Thomas KS, Stuart B, O'Leary CJ, Schmitt J, Paul C, Williams HC, Langan S.
PLoS One 2015 Apr 21;10(4):e0124770. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124770. (Abstract Link)

Survey of new 2007 and 2011 Cochrane reviews found 37% of prespecified outcomes not reported.
Smith V, Clarke M, Williamson P, Gargon E.
J Clin Epidemiol. 2014 Nov 18. pii: S0895-4356(14)00398-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.09.022. (Abstract Link)

Group seeks standardization for what clinical trials must measure.
Keener AB
Nat med 2014 Aug;20(8):798-9. doi: 10.1038/nm0814-798 (Abstract Link)

Choosing important health outcomes for comparative effectiveness research: A systematic review.
Gargon E, Gurung B, medley N, Altman DG, Blazeby JM, Clarke M, Williamson PR.
PLoS One 2014 Jun 16;9(6):e99111. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099111. (Abstract Link)

Developing core outcomes sets: methods for identifying and including patient-reported outcomes (PROs).
Macefield RC, Jacobs M, Korfage IJ, Nicklin J, Whistance RN, Brookes ST, Sprangers MA, Blazeby JM.
Trials 2014 Feb 5;15:49. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-49 (Abstract Link)

Outcome measures in rheumatoid arthritis randomised trials over the last 50 years.
Kirkham JJ, Boers M, Tugwell P, Clarke M, Williamson PR.
Trials 2013 Oct 9;14:324. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-14-324 (Abstract Link)

Infants' Dermatitis Quality of Life Index (IDQoL): A decade of experience of validations and clinical application.
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Br J Dermatol 2013 Oct;169(4):760-8. doi: 10.1111/bjd.12563 (Abstract Link)

Can a core outcome set improve the quality of systematic reviews? A survey of the Co-ordinating Editors of the Cochrane Review Groups.
Kirkham JJ, Gargon E, Clarke M, Williamson PR.
Trials 2013 Jan 22;14:21. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-14-21 (Abstract Link)

Developing core outcome sets for clinical trials - issues to consider.
Williamson PR, Altman DG, Blazeby JM, Clarke M, Devane D, Gargon E, Tugwell P.
Trials 2012 Aug 6;13:132. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-13-132 (Abstract Link)

Atopic dermatitis diagnostic criteria and outcome measures for clinical trials: Still a mess.
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J Invest Dermatol 2011 Mar;131(3):557-9. doi: 10.1038/jid.2010.36 (Abstract Link)

Measuring atopic eczema severity visually: Which variables are the most important to patients? 
Charman CR, Venn AJ, Williams H.
Arch Dermatol. 2005;141:1146-1151 (Abstract Link)

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