University of Nottingham

Clinical recordkeeping

The HOME initiative is working on core outcomes for routine clinical recordkeeping. The aim over the next year will be to:

  1. To agree the priority domains for clinical practice
  1. To summarise the measurement properties of potential instruments for measuring these domains
  2. To agree which instruments should be included in a panel of instruments recommended for clinical practice for each domain

Initial studies to ascertain the priority domains have been carried out and, where not already done, systematic reviews are underway to identify instruments for the priority domains and their measurement properties.

This work is being led by Prof Eric Simpson, Portland, USA. If you are interested in getting involved please contact us.

HOME - Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology
University of Nottingham
King's Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 115 8232435
Fax: +44 115 8468618